How To Create A Blog And Make Money In 2021

Olga Pogozheva
6 min readJan 8, 2021

If you have been wondering how to launch a blog or a business website, but felt stuck due to lack of technical skills, look no further. Today, we’ll be creating a blog from scratch using an amazing resource that makes the process SO easy for everyone.

How to create a blog in 2021

I use the resource called Bluehost. This is an affiliate link, so I’ll get a couple of cents if you decide to use it (and you’ll get a special discount as well!).

But if you find a better resource — you’re welcome to use any of your liking, AND make sure to share your experience with us in the comments, so that we are all aware of better options.

Now, let’s go to Bluehost:

Hit “Get Started” button and choose your Plan (I recommend starting with Basic, because you can always upgrade later, BUT if you plan to run multiple blogs or websites? Then you might want to go for Plus or Pro):

And choose your Domain as a next step:

Here, you can either use the domain you already own, or create a new one.

After that, you will be required to enter your Account Information (basic questions):

As you enter all the details, including payment information, you may choose not to use some of the extra services like SSL protection and other stuff (inc. domain protection, codeguard basic, sitelock security etc).

After you go through that step, you’re set to customizing your blog (or a website!):

First, you’ll need to put in extra details into your account, like Create A Password and accept Terms & Conditions (sorry, I haven’t read those to the end — does anyone ever do that?..)

After you Log In to your newly created account with your newly created password, you will be asked if you need extra tips while building your website:

It’s up to you if you need help with building your website, but I’d recommend you taking the help when being offered ^_^

Next, it asks you what kind of a website you’re creating:

Since we talk about creating a blog (and making money from it, too!), we’ll go for the first option. Then, you’ll need to answer very straightforward questions, to make your creation process even easier:

After you fill out every detail as to who your blog is for, the next thing you need to define is a Design Theme. And it’s really up to you which one you choose: a free or a premium theme.

After you pick up a theme, Bluehost will start installing everything you need for building a website (WordPress, Cloudflare CNN etc), so you’ll need to wait for a while.

Inside a Bluehost account, you are now starting to customize your BLOG. And we will start with “About me” section (as I previously indicated that my Blog will consist of Blog and About Me sections):

So, as you click on “Let’s Go” button (right to the “Add About Me” section), you will be taken to a WordPress admin account to customize your blog.

For those who are new to this blogging creation thing, it might look scary at a first glance:

Don’t be scared, it’s just how the backend of your website looks like. You can see how your website looks like by clicking on its domain name in the left upper corner of your WordPress account.

Let’s click on this “Add new” button to create our first webpage:

And it will take you to the editor that looks like this:

Here, you’ll be able to add the title of the page, and create a block of textual information.

After you do that (fill in the title and the text block), you may click on the Publish button to see how it looks like in a live version:

Alternatively, you can click a Preview button, to understand how it looks like.

And then, you start playing with fonts, colors, branding, and do the same for other pages.

There is a ton of Wordpress tutorials (free!) on the web (you might want to start with YouTube), that would help you to tune up your website/blog way faster and make it look fabulous.

After adding the textual blocks, you can now customize the Theme you chose. Go to the Appearance tab on the left of the WordPress admin panel and click on the Theme you chose:

It will take you to another admin panel, where you will be able to play with fonts, colors etc, to customize how your website looks like.

Now that we’ve created a blog, you can use all sorts of templates and images to fill it in, and make it look awesome, and engaging, play with fonts, brand colors etc, fill with articles, and remember about SEO, — WHEN YOU DO all that, it’s TIME TO MAKE SOME MONEY.

I will list just a few methods how you can MAKE money with blogging:

  • Sell products (or services) via your blog. We talk about your own products or services here, because if you want to re-sell and sell some other products, then it’s called:
  • Affiliate marketing — sell products and get commissions from the sold products. Programs differ, so it’s really up to you. It could be even online courses — anything related to your industry, that you can promote in your articles
  • Add banner adverts on your website or blog
  • Create paid guest posts
  • Charge for promoting social media posts
  • Create promo articles (just like review videos on YouTube channel)

And there are other methods of charging for your content.

HOWEVER, to make some real money from blogging, you’ll need to

  1. Invest into SEO (either time or money or both) of your blog
  2. Create content constantly and renew your website AT LEAST once a week, but I’d recommend 2 to 3 times, especially in the beginning, when you’re just starting out your online presence.

Personally, I think #1 way of making money through a blog — selling your own services or products, or make that blog as a sort of your portfolio to attract more customers — would work best for you, and all other methods are just nice bonuses / contributions to your business.


If you want to get started, Bluehost would be your go-to resource, and you can use my link to get a special discount:

If you use any other website builders, let me know in the comments, which you prefer and why — it might help many. And if you enjoyed this tutorial?

Go and check out other business information I share on my social media:



See you there, fellow online entrepreneur!..



Olga Pogozheva

Founder @ Mellivora Software, Career Strategist & Writer