Things You Should Know By 30 | Entrepreneur Mindset

Olga Pogozheva
4 min readNov 25, 2020

Bear with me, old timer. I promise, this won’t be a long read. Just basic things everybody needs to be reminded of. And if you’re 30?.. You are definitely on the list.

Because thirty is an age when you draw certain conclusions about your life — whether you like it, or whether there is something you need to change. And most importantly? HOW you are going to do that.

Thirty is the first milestone where you can interview yourself, and draw a portrait that you’ll either like or won’t be satisfied with. Whilst expectations differ, here are some BASIC things you should KNOW by the age of 30.

  • Master your finances

Learn how to make money & Learn how to make money work for you. Get some financial education to build a solid income! And I’m not talking about a job, because you will not be able to work forever. Instead, think about what passive income sources you can build, or what investments you might make, to be on the safe side when you are no longer able to work.

It might be a side gig or a side business, savings account (not the best choice though), and other options. Explore, google, get advice on your finances and retirement plan, — if you still haven’t, it’s about TIME to do that now.

Pro tip: Have you read Robert Kiyosaki?.. Simple and basic financial education book to start with. If you have, pat yourself on the shoulder and continue moving in the right direction.

  • Overcome your fear of unknown

By 30 you should have gained some life experience. You have had your 20s to make mistakes and recover from them. You should have tried numerous challenges that you didn’t really want to take, but you did anyways. Like, learning to drive a car, buying one, learning how to work, how to be promoted, how to start a business, how to stand up and speak publicly, how to start a family, maybe even raise kids — whatever fear you might have faced with and overcame, counts in! And it actually contributes in your further stress resilience — and mental strength.

Pro tip: It’s not attractive for a grown person who is well over 30 to be afraid of challenges. Really. It’s not manly. Even if you’re a woman.

  • Acquire new skills

Thirties is the time when your high school, college or university education stops being enough. We are living in an ever changing world. You should learn everyday, really. In fact, your learning process should not have even stopped.

Your education might have been enough to land you a job or to start your professional path in your 20s, but as you move on, you understand that you might need to shift focus, or dig deeper into professional skills, or learn languages and technologies and tools that are vital for your current job or business.

Pro tip: Besides, learning new skills (challenging ones, too, like Math, programming, new languages etc) prevents your brain from aging. PROVEN.

  • Learn how to be responsible (for your.every.action)

Okay, I might be biased here, but the best way you can learn how to be responsibile is when you have to care for people who are 100% dependent on you. In a classic scenario, that is your children.

Now, I’m not an advocate of having children early in life, though I personally did, but this radically changes your focus, priorities, life direction and the way you look at things.

You no more plan for the week, you plan for decades.

I don’t know how YOU will learn being responsible for your every action, but you should. Find a way — that is in your best interests.

You really don’t know how much you are about to live. It might a hundred years, more — or significantly less. For all we know, we might not wake up tomorrow, and you really don’t want to leave a bad record behind your back.

Pro tip: Honestly, being a person so irresponsible that people wouldn’t know what nice things to say at your funeral sucks.

  • Set your priorities

By thirty, you should really start thinking — if you haven’t already — about major things in life. Things that count.

What are they for YOU?

Now, let’s agree on ONE thing: a job or a business don’t count. In THAT field, we are all replaceable. Unless your business is about charity or something really important that changes people’s lives (like, creating a cure for cancer, contributing to overall medical or scientific progress etc etc).

What are those things for YOU? Faith, religion, church, family, friends, children, charities or something else? There are few things that I’m personally not going to compromise in my life and I’d rather sacrifice my career to not fail in those fields. These are things that MATTER.

What are they for YOU?

Pro tip: watch this episode in full to learn some extra thoughts on aging. Hey, it’s never too early to get prepared:

I hope you had something to think over and ask yourself, and if this is being the case — write down in the comment, what is important for you?

What you have reached and what you still haven’t? And what are you working on right now?

It is okay if not everything from the list is being fulfilled, but like they say, the second best time is NOW.

Just let me know what YOUR journey looks like, I’m really curious to know.

With that, have a great mood, have a great day, and see you in the comments!



Olga Pogozheva

Founder @ Mellivora Software, Career Strategist & Writer